HRT Study
What is the Role of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Breast Cancer Risk?

Dating back to 2002, there have been several studies stating that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk for breast cancer. HRT was vilified, and many women stopped using or never started using HRT.
However, those findings do not apply to all women.
Here at MiraKind, we study recently discovered genetic mutations. One mutation, the KRAS-variant, was discovered in 2007, and MiraKind’s research studies are helping us learn more about its implications for health and cancer risk every day.
For women with the KRAS-variant, HRT appears to decrease the risk of breast cancer.
Declining estrogen levels appear to trigger aggressive high-risk breast cancer in women with the KRAS-variant.1 Therefore, we are proponents of HRT as a cancer prevention method for women with the KRAS-variant, considering other risks and benefits.
The purpose of this research study is to apply genetics to better understand how HRT impacts breast cancer risk for women. This is an important step to help personalize decisions around HRT use, based on facts, not fears.
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About MiraKind
MiraKind was founded as a nonprofit research organization in 2013 by Joanne Weidhaas, MD, PhD., following her discovery of the KRAS-variant, an inherited genetic mutation associated with an increased risk of cancer, especially for women.
The KRAS-variant is one of the most frequently identified inherited genetic markers associated with cancer. The latest research indicates the KRAS-variant shows great potential to guide disease prevention and management across cancer types through its unique interactions with hormones and cancer therapies.
Facts about the KRAS-variant:
- Cancer risk may be triggered by estrogen withdrawal
- Found in 6-10% of the population
- Predicts sensitivity and resistance to several standard-of-care cancer treatments/therapies